Jacinda Bayne - Artist in Residence

August 2024

Artist Jacinda Bayne is an "emotive colourist" renowned for her vivid, highly collectible landscape paintings. Her striking oils evoke a sense of place, transporting the viewer back to a special time or place in their lives.

Her unique process involves layering thin glazes of oil paint. Using watercolours in the landscape for inspiration complements this process in her studio.

Jacinda teaches workshops on how to find one's unique voice within their work, solve problems, and allow the image to take shape through careful consideration of colour, composition, and intention. Jacinda graduated from Otago Art School in New Zealand in 1997 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in painting. She then spent a few years traveling with studios in Scotland and New Zealand before settling in Western Australia and working full-time as a professional artist since 2007.

Her style has evolved over the years and through 17 solo exhibitions, but her process and love of the landscape have remained, making her artworks unique and recognisable.

Career highlights include multiple successful solo exhibitions at Linton & Kay Galleries, Studio Gallery, and Anderson Contemporary in New York City, to name a few. Jacinda has also participated in several notable group shows, won significant art awards, and appeared as a finalist in art prize exhibitions.

Some of her most memorable work has come from her residencies in China and onboard the luxurious True North vessel in the Kimberley. Her love of travel, particularly around WA over the past few years, has inspired much of her recent work. Collaborating with Aboriginal children and fellow artist Tessa Mackay at the Mowanjum Community still strongly influences her practice.

Jacinda now works from her Studio at PS ArtSpace in Fremantle and is looking forward to meeting the Students at All Saints’ College in August as Artist in Residence.